Answered By: SUFE Lib
Last Updated: 2023年12月01日     Views: 14795

If you'd like to search for reference resources for Business in our Library, please go to the A to Z Databases of the library, on the top of the page, select "Business Administration" in the first drop-down list named "所有学科主题"(all subjects), then choose the material type of your interest in the second drop-down list, for example, [biz] company research, or journals. After that, you can see all the related databases listed below.

For beginners, the recommended databases include BSI for Business Source Complete and ProQuest系列电子期刊报纸数据库. Both of them cover various types of materials, such as scholarly articles, newspapers, trade publications, company profiles, industry overview, market research report case studies, and so on. Please select advanced search mode, tap in your keywords, and limit your search scope by selecting a specific publication type or material type. Take the EBSCO for example:


For reference resources, like dictionary/encyclopedia/handbook, we do not have a standalone English reference database for Business, but you have two choices to get the print or electronic English books the library has purchased or subscribed:

Option 1; Search for the terns of your interest, for example, "new palgrave", in the search mode of "前方一致" in the library catalog. You can get a list of economics directories in the library collection which are published by Palgrave Macmillan,

results page:

Option 2: Go to Springer电子期刊数据库 from  A to Z Databases of the library, choose "Business and Management" from the subject tree on the left side, then search for items of your interest. On the left-side filter panel for search results, click "Book", you can browse all the titles, including the keywords you searched in the database.

In a similar way, you can also browse and search eBooks from another eBook database: Oxford Scholarship Online and Taylor & Francis eBook.


Besides those mentioned above, you can reserve a one-on-one research consultation by contacting us via LibAnswers.

If you have any other questions about the library, you can refer to  the Library Quick Start Guide by downloading it from here,

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